Why are Scorpio so hate?
2019-08-16 01:45:53 UTC
To be honest I'm a Scorpio but they say we are jealous which is wrong because never been jealous in my life, I always was treated well I knew as a kid that I should be lucky for anything I have and anything I want I have to work hard for because I know that kids are abuse, suffer and starve in there lives and I am luck to have the comfort of people I love deeply. And I never been jealous of anyone because I love myself and how that it you worry about other talent you will never perfect your crafts and I am perfectionist but not afraid to fail because I learn from my mistakes and failures and became stronger. And possessive but wrong if you called loving someone deeply"possessive" then ok. Manipulate that wrong we can manipulate but not by nature we are highly complex so people often misunderstood what we say.

And the thing is that Scorpio are to suffer or feel pain in there life for them to grow stronger example Ted Bundy"s daughter a Scorpio and Scorpio can be trouble if they experience horrible abuse or suffer pain in there life like Charles Manson and Toy Box Killer but that rare because Pluto is suppose to help get rid of our demons and reinvent them. We don't have to 10 ten serial killer or dictators so what wrong.

And to be honest we are more positive then the other sign why do we get represention like Colin Kapernick is a Scorpio he put his career in jeopardy to stand up for racism and Leon Trosky is a Scorpio go research him

It turn some fav celebs are Scorpio
One answer:
2019-08-16 09:41:20 UTC
People who believe that the stars locations at the time of their birth, has any affect on their lives are all MAD!!!!!!!!!!

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