Rock and Pop: Can you help me understand why "Orestes" by A Perfect Circle is such a great song?
2018-02-03 05:55:25 UTC
I've seen it referred to a few times recently, and I've listened to it several times too, following along with the lyrics closely. It's a decent enough song, but doesn't seem to be anything extraordinary so I figure maybe it has something to do with the subject matter. Thing is, and you probably don't know this about me but I'm something of a student of Greek mythology and am intimately familiar with the story(ies) of Orestes and that knowledge helps not at all. So what is it? Why is this song singled out as being so good?
One answer:
2018-02-03 07:21:22 UTC
There is nothing special about the song. People just really like it. There are some songs that just catch fire. Tool has some songs like that as well.

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