Where can I get one of those popular conical hats?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Where can I get one of those popular conical hats?
Five answers:
2008-10-31 16:46:25 UTC
Here you go, sweetums.....

This hat is conical AND safe... two treats in one.

Chef Shine
2008-10-31 16:15:30 UTC
Hmm, not sure

but you can borrow my Cowboy hat, Chef's toque or my Green Bay Packers cheese head!!
2008-10-31 04:21:25 UTC
Get yourself some posterboard and make one! You can decorate it for the ........occasion!
2008-10-30 22:53:41 UTC
hmmm the only conical hats I can remember seeing were those cute and oh so preciouse Dunce Hats from Grade school..& That's been a while let me tell you!!!! Most of what you're talking about are at least 3 different parties aren't they....I banned a guy named Troy from my life...We live in Illinois...Every town has a Crop festival and the bong dance we used to do in the living room with the drapes drawn...I can get you a hat to wear...We'll make a weekend of it...hehe...= )
FF'n Momma
2008-10-30 14:32:58 UTC
LMAO! I can't even try. I'll be back when I'm finished laughing...It's like we've discovered unchartered land!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.